
Guest Blogger: Philip Bonifacio

Today, I am getting my first guest blogger! And what better person to kick this off than my son, Philip? And what better time to do this than Mother’s Day? So without further ado, here’s Philip!

Dear Mother,

Happy Mother’s Day! I am writing to you after the consistent promptings of Father, or “Papa” as he prefers to be called. 

Not that I would not have written you myself, mind you. But given that my grasp of the English language (or any language for that matter) is primitive as of the moment, I have asked him to translate these thoughts of mine into words and to transmit those words into a device for you to appreciate.

My first attempts at writing were unsuccessful.
My first attempts at writing were unsuccessful.

But even if I was formally schooled in the Queen’s English and I was capable of projecting my thoughts directly onto any medium, I would still fall far short from adequately expressing the reach and depth of your love for me and the immense gratitude I have for you.

Even when I was in your womb, I felt your constant ministrations and the great care you took to ensure my safety and healthy development. I can only imagine how difficult it must have been for you to bear such a large and active fetus, and yet I felt no reluctance or regret on your part, only joyful anticipation.

Even on the hours of my delivery, during which you were under great pain and discomfort, your thoughts flitted constantly to my well-being. The way you excitedly called for me when you first heard my cry was the culmination of this.

And your face! How it lit up when I was presented to you! If I had the full use of my hands, I would have captured that moment on one of those digital camera devices you’re so fond of.

This would be a great Throwback Thursday pic one day.
This would be a great Throwback Thursday pic one day.

But these acts of affection, benevolent as they were, would pale in comparison to your endless store of love – expressed in tireless service, a joyful countenance, and gentle directing – ever since you and Father brought me home. 

Your innumerable readings and studies to learn how best to provide me with the parenting I need have clearly had a significant effect. 

Whatever others may compliment about me – my joyfulness of life, as my sociability and frequent smiles attest, or my healthiness, as evidenced by the rolls of flesh on my legs and arms –  I can say come only because you have loved me so abundantly.

The manner in which you’ve thrown yourself fully into motherhood speaks only of a person who is motivated by passion, not merely duty. What a blessed child am I to have been the object of such passion! 

Surely you know that this is why I give my best smiles to you! Your voice alone instantly alters my mood for the better.

"Do you want to BE a snowman?"
“Do you want to BE a snowman?”

So today, on Mother’s Day, I honor you for every day – for every day of feeding, burping, changing, bathing, playing, and singing. For every day of teaching me about the world. For every day of new experiences and joyful celebration. 

Thank you, Mother. And I love you. Please accept this simple means of communication. I trust I will be able to tell you these things myself soon enough. 

Your son,


P.S. I’ve included a few pictures. I believe the older generation refers to these things as “selfies.”


What I really do while you are asleep
What I really do while you are asleep
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